Exigo Corp

E-waste recycling myths debunked

by Kunika Agrawal - October 1, 2024

Electronic devices have come essential in today’s world. We depend on these gadgets on a daily basis, from laptops and cellphones to TVs and home appliances. Electronic trash, or “e-waste,” is a hidden expense associated with the convenience of contemporary technology.

Myths and false beliefs about how to duly dispose of old widgets are multiplying along with the pile of discarded gadgets. No, not all electronic waste is recycled well, and discarding them in the trash is  surely not right. It’s time to say goodbye to your misconceptions and discover the real story behind waste recycling.

Myth 1: E-Waste Can Be Safely Thrown in the Trash

It’s a common misconception that old gadgets can be thrown in the scrap as long as they’ll be disposed of  rightly. The real world is very distinct from this. There are major  concerns to the environment and public health when electronics wind up in landfills and disposal sites.

Potentially  dangerous substances set up in e-waste include lead, mercury, cadmium, and brominated flame retardants. There can be serious consequences for the Earth when these composites get into the soil and water. E-waste badly disposed of can lead to increased exposure of humans and wildlife to dangerous substances, ecosystem  desolation, and groundwater impurity.

Myth 2: All E-Waste Is Properly Recycled

Another misconception is that all e-waste that’s recycled is well handled. But in reality, the effects are not always as they seem. With recycling programs, a sizable quantity of e-waste is handled inappropriately. Some electronic trash is transferred to developing nations where it’s unsafely disassembled by workers who are constantly vulnerable.

In India, only about 1% of the total waste generated is recycled properly. Considering that India generates approximately 277 million tons of waste annually, this means that only around 2.77 million tons are recycled correctly. This leaves a vast amount of waste improperly managed.

The world is deteriorating and workers are exposed to dangerous substances by these unofficial recycling operations. It is best to pick good e-waste recyclers like Exigo to guarantee that your e-waste is recycled rightly. Seek programs that meet strict environmental and ethical conditions and are approved by associations like e-Stewards or R2( Responsible Recycling).

Myth 3: E-Waste Recycling Is Too Complicated

Some people think recycling e-waste is too time- or complexity-consuming, so they avoid it. Actually, a lot of places and businesses provide practical e-waste recycling services. Take-back programs are offered by a lot of manufacturers and shops, allowing customers to return outdated devices for secure disposal.

Furthermore, a lot of municipal corporations have city-wise programs for e-waste collection days where locals can conveniently drop off their unwanted gadgets. Even door-to-door pickup is provided by certain services. With so many resources at your disposal to assist you in locating the best recycling solutions in your area, recycling e-waste has never been easier.

Myth 4: My Old Electronics Have No Value

It isn’t true — despite what you may believe — that your old gadgets are useless. Rare earth  rudiments, precious substances, and recyclable parts can be set up in even the most broken and outdated gadgets. In addition to saving energy and minimising the environmental impact of mining and producing new products, recovering these parts helps lower the demand for virgin resources.

For specific kinds of  devices, several e-waste recycling schemes give cash or rewards. Your outdated electronics might be worth trading in or given to companies that can repair and repurpose them, rather than sitting around gathering dust.

Myth 5: E-Waste Recycling Is Just About the Environment

Recycling e-waste has several benefits, not the least of which is protecting the environment. Additionally essential to preserving human health and advancing social justice is the responsible disposal of e-waste. As previously indicated, workers in underdeveloped nations are frequently exposed to harmful substances as a result of incorrect disposal of e-waste.

You can stop this exploitation and promote fair labor standards by selecting ethical recycling programs. Recycling e-waste also helps to increase economic growth and conserve resources. We minimise the demand for new raw materials, cut greenhouse gas emissions, and generate employment in the recycling and refurbishing sectors by recovering valuable elements from outdated devices.

Myth 6: Deleting Data Is Enough to Protect My Privacy

A common misconception is that before recycling, all one needs to do is remove files from outdated electronics. This is untrue, though. Electronics that are thrown away frequently have data that can be recovered, making it possible for unauthorized people to access your private information.

Take extra precautions to safeguard your privacy before recycling your equipment. This entails doing a factory reset, repeatedly overwriting your hard drive with data-wiping software, and, if required, physically damaging storage devices. In order to guarantee that your personal data is safely deleted before your device is processed, several e-waste recyclers now provide data destruction services.

Myth 7: It’s Okay to Store Old Electronics at Home

While keeping outdated equipment at home might seem like a safer option than discarding them, this is not a long-term fix. Hazardous compounds may leak out of electrical devices as they deteriorate. Furthermore, your contribution to the expanding issue of electronic trash increases with the amount of e-waste you generate.

Use one of the many recycling options available to you rather than letting your old equipment pile up. Regularly getting rid of your e-waste maintains your house clutter-free and organized while also contributing to environmental protection.

The Importance of Responsible E-Waste Disposal

Our production of e-waste increases in tandem with technological advancements. The environment, human health, and the advancement of moral behavior all depend on the proper disposal of electronic gadgets. We believe that by dispelling these widespread misconceptions around recycling e-waste, more people will be inspired to treat their outdated gadgets with knowledge and wisdom.

Never forget that not all electronic waste is recycled correctly and that it is never acceptable to dispose of devices in the trash. You may have a good influence on the world and contribute to the development of a more sustainable future by taking the time to recycle your e-waste safely.


With the knowledge at your disposal, it’s time to act. Get your old electronics together and look into local certified recyclers of electronic garbage. Inform your loved ones and acquaintances about the significance of disposing of e-waste responsibly. We can dispel the falsehoods, safeguard the environment, and guarantee future generations a better, more sustainable future by working together.